Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 4 - fourth day, but the first of hard work

Dear  green people,
after getting to know each other and the beautiful eco-farm of Karcsi and his friends, lots of watching and learning we finally started today building the sustainable Super-Adobe house. Also today the smart Italian team discovered not being in Gardony, but in Bocsa. Congratulations!!! 
After waking up with a nice Bob-Marley-song from the Czechs we had our breakfast and we heard lots of interesting and useful stuff about Super-Adobe houses from a little bit confused Mark (professional Super-Adobe architect). Divided in two groups, we worked on digging away the earth from the door parts and the others enjoyed designing some idealistic eco family houses. They tried to fix their crazy ideas into clay sculptures too. But guys – always be careful not to dig shit out of the ground instead of clay! 

Getting new energy from traditional hungarian vegetable dish from lentil we relaxed while playing some football, playing the guitar, reading and stuff like that...
Switching the groups afterwards we changed our calories from lunch into real hard nature work and lots of sweat, blood and tears. When Master Mark wasn’t interrupted by curious junior builders‘ questions  he could explain the most useful details of constructing work to us. Thanks so much for this! 

Unfortunately time was running faster than a turtle could go and the sunset came while having typical working dinner. We are ready to meet experienced Cob-house inhabitants this evening and of course also to party all night and having lots of input and hard work on next days. That’s all folks...! 

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