Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 8 - Intercultural evening

Saturday was the last working day. We were finishing what we started, but unfortunately we could not finish everything. Even though there is still so much work to do, we are all glad that our effort and enthusiasm are visible now. It was amazing to see how things grow right in front of our eyes. 

 On Saturday afternoon every group had presentation for others and also some local people were invited. During this intercultural program we could for example see Germans playing funny theater, taste Czech specialty called “bramborak” or herbal spirit becherovka,

Czech girls in the bathroom

 taste Italian bruschetta and parmesan, hear different Austrian dialects and enjoy Austrian performance with singing and dancing, taste Latvian non-alcoholic beers and breads and finally experience Hungarian music. Everyone was in such a good mood that we continued this nice evening all together by the fire place.

Austrians and their performa