- 20g of beeswax (it’s really good for water absorption into the skin)
- 1dc oliv oil (or you can use other kinds of oil, for example yoyoba oil, almond oil, cannabis oil - more expensive oils are better to use for facial creams); you can also use cocoa butter instead of beeswax, or half of oil and half of beeswax and half of cocoa butter. Cocoa butter is more expensive, but good for face.
- essential oils (be sure it’ s 100% pure essential oil without chemicals – NOT those that are used for aromatic lamps). Different essential oils have different effect for skin and mind – you can check for example pages http://www.mnwelldir.org/docs/therapies/essentia02.htm. It’ s good to use for example geranium, bergamot, lavender, rose, jasmine… You shouldn’t use more than 5ml of essential oil for 0,5 l (but you can mix them if you want)
- water
- a pinch of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
- vitamin E liquid concentrate as a preservative (not necessary)
How to do it:
- You melt oil and beeswax in a double boiler (for those who don’t know this word in English, check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_boiler. First put oil, than beeswax.
- When oil and wax fuse, you can put the pot out of the fire, put boiled water in it (hot, but not). It’s recommended to add the same amount of water as the amount of wax and oil together (If you have 30ml of wax-oil, you will add 30 ml of water). If you add more water, the cream should be more liquid, if you add less, it will be thicker… So it depends on your taste. When you have thicker cream, it’s good to use it on wet skin (right after the shower), because it locks the water inside the skin and thus hydrates it more.
- Ok, now you have strange liquid, you should gently mix it, add a pinch of sodium bicarbonate (it helps to connect water with the waxy liquid).
- Add essential oil/oils
- You can pure the cream into the prepared containers (in the Czech Republic you can buy them in pharmacy for 50cents). But for nicer consistency it’s better to mix it continuously until it’s cooler, but still possible to pure it.
Tip: You can also use fresh herbs. You boil the water; add lot of herbs in it (as if you want really strong tea). You let the herbs fuse in the water the whole night, next day make it hot again (but don’t boil) and use it as the water for the cream (instead of pure water). In this case, you don’t have to use essential oils (or you don’t need to use so much).
Good luck!
(If you try, let us know if you were successful or if you have more tips!)