Press release


Test Greeen Nests

Youth Exchange Project

 6th - 15th August 2011, Hungary

Thirty youngsters from six European countries come together to an eco-farm near Bócsa, where they will try to try out and study the "green nests" - sustainable buildings, such as straw-bale and adobe houses, passive houses or yurts.
Youngsters from Hungary, Czech Republic, Italy, Latvia, Germany and Austria will spend 10 days living in a yurt, which they will build for themselves first, and learning about several types of sustainable architecture. During practical workshops, they will also build a super-adobe bungalow.
"Many of the young people are about to finish the university in the cities, and they started to think about living on their own. Natural house is a very attractive option, and they come here to try out, which type would be the most suitable with their visions," says Václav Wortner, the main organizer of this project, recently living in Hungary as an EVS volunteer.
Sustainable houses are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient buildings throughout the whole life-cycle: from design, construction and maintenance to demolition. The used materials are natural (straw, clay, wood), locally available and recyclable. The energy consumtion for heating is very low due to good insulation.
"Living in a natural house is not only ecological, it is also healthy and cheap," adds Michaela Blahutová, who is recently trying the life in a yurt. "It just sounds like a dream, that you can build a house from very cheap natural materials with your friends during one summer." The participants will have the possibility to try this dream out during this youth exchange project, which has been funded by the EC´s Youth in Action programme.
"Everybody is welcome on Saturday 13th. At four o´clock we will have an official opening to present to the public what we achieved to build during the project, and we will also  show something from the cultures of the participating countries," says Berecz Ági. "If you cannot come, check our blog, that will be updated every day."


Václav Wortner
leader of the project
+36 70 330 1312
Szerencsés Rita
logistics, PR
+36 70 398 7475

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.